How We Serve
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
At Peace Lutheran we believe in service. Being open to helping others is at the core of our Mission and Values and can
manifest in so many ways. Here are opportunities for service at Peace Lutheran that would welcome your support.
Worship Support
At Peace Lutheran, we believe engagement deepens the worship experience. There are many ways you can enrich your engagement during Sunday services. For example:
Sign up to be an Assisting Minister, helping to lead the congregation in prayer and serving Communion.
Serve as the worship lector reading the weekly lessons during the service.
Donate flowers for the altar to brighten the Sanctuary or in memory or celebration of a loved one.
Serve on our Altar Guild, helping to prepare communion. Help change and arrange the seasonal vestments to help make our Sanctuary warm and inviting.
Become a greeter and help distribute service bulletins and hymnals to arriving worshipers.
No prior experience is needed for any of these activities. Just a willing heart and a desire to serve.​​
Campus Upkeep
Peace Lutheran is a large campus and requires care. If you are handy with tools and want to help maintain our
sanctuary and grounds please consider volunteering for occasional odd jobs around the church. About twice a year Peace members and friends get together to tackle campus improvement projects. Often this includes freshening up our sanctuary, taking care of the grounds or caring for our Labyrinth. (Yes, we have a Labyrinth on our front lawn which welcomes meditation and contemplation for all.)
Taking care of our facilities is yet another way to give thanks for all God has provided us.